
A bouquet of flowers picked along the way ….

The little things July 23, 2011

Filed under: Children,family,Me — gurdas @ :

It is the little things about parenthood that I find endearing. And in no little way they announce what is now behind and what lies ahead.

Synopsis – yes. Title – yes. Cast – yes. Director – yes. Genre – yes. Motion picture rating – no. I do not recall ever paying attention to the ‘suitable for’ rating of a movie. All that is starting to change as I go from single to a full time father of a 11 year old. Today, as I browsed the “what’s showing” list for a local theater, I paid attention to the G, PG, etc. And I had to visit Wikipedia to find out the definition  🙂


One Response to “The little things”

  1. lori78 Says:

    Hey! How are you? It’s been awhile eh?

    I’ve been like that with my younger sister. I have lots of books but I don’t allow her to read
    as most of it is not suited for her 🙂

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