
A bouquet of flowers picked along the way ….

About January 23, 2010

The Peak

Born free. Living free. I arrived in this world in late Seventies in an incredible country – India. An engineer by profession and heart, I am happy writing software code, designing quality assurance systems, and automating processes through computer controlled machines. I am passionate about the English language and read anything I can get my hands on. I have more than a passing interest in music, movies, and paintings; though my skills in each is zilch. The closest I come to art is photography, where I am an advanced beginner. I am currently in the US, pursuing a PhD. in Civil Engineering. I am most motivated by the issues and challenges concerning education, healthcare, poverty, justice, and the environment. In whatever remains of my time on the third rock from Sun, I would like to travel far and wide, meet strangers and hear their stories, watch in awe as the Sun rises over unknown horizons, and color my life’s sunset with teaching math and science to pre-teens.

Will in my Veins
Persistence in my Blood
Hymns in my Ears
Age in my Bones
Charms in my Nose
Earth in my Nails
Resilience in my Soles
Weakness in my Heels
Needs in my Stomach
Duties in my Shoulders
Fate in my Hands
Distance in my Thighs
Prayer in my Knees
Wisdom in my Hair
Passion in my Lips
Strength in my Arms
Surprises in my Elbows
Thoughts in my Eyebrows
Hope in my Eyes
Labour in my Fingers
Care in my Nipples
Pride in my Chest
Dignity in my Neck
Caution in my Tongue
Purity in my Skin
Life in my Lungs
Dreams in my Head
Eternity in my Deeds
Truth in my Death
God in my Soul
Love in my Heart


20 Responses to “About”

  1. Deepanjan Says:

    I guess you’ve been visiting my blog! Thanks!

  2. guest Says:


    How you know that I am visiting your blog ?

  3. pujathakur Says:

    Lucky you.. 🙂

  4. rvewong Says:

    Nice blog, nice photos too.

  5. gurdas Says:

    Dear Wong,
    Thanks for stopping and the encouragement. I peeked at your blog and can reciprocate the appreciation. I am curious to find the truth behind the squirrels and bird mystery. Keep me posted. I am not sure why you titled it “Nature is cruel”, maybe because there is death in the picture? Nature is simply impartial and a mere spectator. And then again, maybe death is simply nature’s blackhole to transport lifeforms…

  6. rvewong Says:

    I like your philosophy, it makes death easier to take. Have you looked at the deer episode, it’s also pretty hard to take…

  7. lori78 Says:

    i don’t know why but from reading your posts, i thought you’re a girl…haha sorry about that 🙂

    I love your posts, btw!

    • gurdas Says:

      Why thank you! Coming from a woman, I see this as a compliment.

      • prashant Says:

        hi dear

        remember prashant of Mech 96 batch.
        i have been mailing you on ** through this ID but never got your response .
        i got your id through orkut.
        do reply.

        best wishes

        prashant & sonal
        ananya sharma

  8. lori78 Says:

    ur welcome 🙂

  9. Jaspinder brar Says:

    No change, you still same since old lngwl days…….

  10. Chris Says:

    Is the data done yet?!?

    It was a pleasure working with both you and Brandon up in Dansville. I hope you have a safe trip back to NC.


  11. gurdas Says:

    The data is never done! There is always a revision in the pipeline 🙂
    I must say, my Dansville experience was fantastic and cherishable and much of that credit goes to you and Victor for being such great people to work (and chit chat) with.

  12. Pradeep Babburi Says:

    Hi Gurdas, I am pradeep babburi. I looked at the nokia E71 phone that you have posted in Actually I liked the pouch that is with the package there. Can you sell that pouch alone because I already own a new nokia E71. If you are interested please email me at

    Thank you.

  13. chirjot Says:

    well said

    increadibly beautiful

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  15. Inna Says:


    Currently I find Nokia e71 on, I have a question. Would you please call me or replay to my email with phone number.

    Is that SS phone? (Grey-looking like stain less metal?) And those all accessories are including in the price?

  16. Taewoo Says:

    Hi, Gurdas! Is it another place to meet you, MUCH better than MH 317!!

  17. Pavittarpanag Says:

    Mind feeding

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